Please Welcome New Design Team Member Michelle Wecksler

Michelle WeckslerA few months back we decided to add to the Paper Crafter’s Library team.  We put out a call for some Design Team members and selected a few ladies to join our team.  They have been hard at work, creating some paper crafting projects to share with you!

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to the first of our Design Team members,  Michelle Wecksler.  Michelle is very excited to be a part of the first ever Paper Crafter’s Library Design Team!

Michelle brings a great deal of enthusiasm to our team.  She is a self-proclaimed artist and  strongly believes that each of us has unique creative gifts to bring into this world and she tries to do her best to inspire herself and others to tap into that wealth of creativity!  And that’s just what we are going to do, share some of Michelle’s talent and inspiration with you through her work.  You’ll have a chance to see Michelle’s projects tomorrow. In the meantime, please be sure to visit Michelle’s blog Figments of My Imagination.

Learn more about Michelle:

“I live in Denver, Colorado and am humbled by the gorgeous Rocky Mountains on a daily basis. I live with my partner Michael and our four-legged kids; Willow the cat and Buddy the dog.

I think of myself as a Renaissance woman when it comes to art – I might be playing with paper one day and mosaics the next! Paper crafting is a special love of mine – just the feel of paper in my hands gets the creative juices flowing! I have been a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator for 4 years and have had numerous projects published in Paper Crafts magazine. I am also a “recovering lawyer.” After receiving my law degree and becoming an attorney in Atlanta, GA, I spent very little time actually practicing law – it just didn’t warm my heart. Instead I found myself drawn to mediation, consulting and teaching. Currently you can still find me on the road conducting training sessions at corporations on the topics of communication skills, negotiation skills and conflict resolution. Returning to the craft room after a trip keeps me centered.Making art is my true passion! Thank you for letting me share my passion with you.

My biggest goal when it comes to papercrafting and art in general is to honor myself as a creative being and to allow myself to express my creativity!   I would also like to continue to find my own voice – my own style – when it comes to my art.  The only way for me to do that is to keep creating; to keep being open to making mistakes, and to continue to move forward no matter what my inner critic says!  I know that going into the craft room keeps me centered.  Making art in any form is my true passion and I appreciate the opportunity to share it with you!

I think sometimes we sit around waiting for the right moment, the right mood, the right inspiration.  I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of waiting!  I think the best way to jump start your creativity is to just show up at the place where you do your art making, grab the first stamp or tool or card stock or color that jumps out at you and do something with it!  When you show your creativity that you are willing to jump in with both feet, your creativity has a tendency to keep running!”

Please help us to warmly welcome Michelle! 

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