Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…+ Some Projects

Hi everyone – all of us at Paper Crafter’s Library hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!  I apologize for the longer than usual silence.  Our Christmas “vacation” started on Friday at noon when we hit the road to visit our family in Ottawa. Every second year we celebrate Christmas in Ottawa at my parent’s place. It’s always quite the production when we drive anywhere because there are too many of us to fit in one car LOL!  There were four adults in all: Todd and I, Irene (our nanny), and Papa (my 91 year old grandpa), our 5 children and of course our little dog Ginger.   On our way, we stopped in Trenton to meet up with my sister (Soph) and her family. So when we hit the road again we were a three vehicle “caravan”.  

The drive from Cambridge to Ottawa is never fun – it’s always long – 6-8 hours depending on the weather and traffic (and traffic through Toronto was pretty slow), and of course depending on how many stops we need for the kids.  We arrived at about 8:30 pm – just in time for our traditional dinner of San Marino’s pizza.  San Marino’s is a little independent pizza place that is just up the road from my parent’s house, and they have the most amazing pizza.  Whenever we visit my parents it’s always traditional for to have pizza the night we arrive – so they didn’t disappoint LOL!  After that it took a long time to unpack, get the kids settled and then eventually fall into bed exhausted.

Christmas Eve during the day we spent some time shopping for last minute gifts – despite my best intentions, things were so hectic leading up to Christmas that I didn’t manage to quite finish everything.  Then of course there was hours upon hours of wrapping and then patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for the kids to fall asleep. Despite all their excitement about the imminent arrival of Santa, it still takes them forever to fall asleep.

Christmas morning we got a little “present” from Sammy (our youngest) – he slept in until 9:30 am!  Pretty much every day of the year he’s up between 5:45 am and 6:15 am – so after getting to bed after midnight the night before it was a welcome treat.  We had tied the double-doors to the family room shut so there was no way the kids to bust into the room and get to the presents before the adults got there LOL.  Thankfully our older kids are pretty patient on Christmas morning, so Todd and I took full advantage of our “sleep in”.  With the number of people in the house – 8 adults and 8 children in all – and because we open our gifts one at a time – it took quite a long time to finish. The rest of the day was spent preparing for, enjoying and cleaning up after Christmas Dinner.  It was around that time though, that things started to go kind of downhill.

My dad had been feeling quite out of sorts most of Christmas Day, with abdominal discomfort, as well as fever and chills. On Monday he wasn’t feeling much better and by the afternoon was looking distinctly yellow – he was jaundiced. My step-mom took him right to the hospital, and after hours of tests and waiting, it turned out that he has viral hepatitis! Thankfully, it’s one that they feel will resolve itself, and as the week has progressed, he has been feeling better and looking less yellow.  Of course on Monday morning, my husband Todd woke up with a terribly sore throat amongst other things – he was hit by a terribly bad cold which kept him in bed for almost 2 1/2 days. The same day our youngest started running a fever and had a terrible cough.  Since then I’ve gotten sick, my step-mom has gotten sick and so have a few more of the children.

So needless to say it’s been a challenging week, and the reason that you haven’t heard from us.  So today, in addition to my little update, I have a few more things to share with you.  First off, if you are a Paper Crafter’s Library member, despite the silence here on the blog, video tutorials have been posted for members on an almost daily basis (Monday to Friday). Of course now that Christmas is over, we’ve been moving on to Valentine’s projects.  Here are a couple of the ones we’ve shared this past week

The first one is this “U Rock” Card.  The scalloped frame was created using my Grand Calibur and Spellbinders Nestabilities.  The letter “U” is a chipboard letter which I covered in pigment ink, and then embossed using a fine glitter.


The second card is this “Smitten” card.  I created this card using some papers from my My Mind’s Eye Love Me Collection.  The decorative border was die cut with a Tim Holtz Sizzix Edgeability die.

Of course that wasn’t all we posted for Paper Crafter’s Library members – we had our Club 52 projects – which we are now focusing on Shimmer Paints and various ways to use them, we’ve been uploading the projects from our 2010 online Valentine’s class and had this cute truffle box which Soph designed – we put some yummy Chocolate Truffles inside and gave them to my dad as part of his Christmas gift.

Okay, so that’s what we’ve been doing on a creative front.  We’re heading back to Cambridge on Monday, so I won’t be posting here again until Tuesday.  If you haven’t already looked, you can check out the winners for our last Freebie Friday and Makeover Monday in the posts below.


32 replies on “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…+ Some Projects”

  1. Wow! You certainly have been busy, and with all that happened it is no wonder that you haven’t been around! Your cards are lovely! I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Have a blessed New Year………:)

  2. Sounds like a very busy Christmas! Traveling at this time of year is always a challenge, especially with young children. We find that our family gets sick every Christmas too… over-excited, over-tired, and exposure to new germs when traveling.
    Lovely cards and gift box! I particularly like the U Rock. I am looking forward to the Valentine’s Countdown 🙂

  3. Hope you and your family are feeling better. Loving all three projects, gets me in a creative mood.

  4. I am so glad that you are all feeling better. My husband and I were sick during the holidays also so I can definitely relate. Hand in there and keep up the great work.

  5. Goodness, that sounds like a very challenging Christmas, with emotional as well as physical ups and downs!! I have to commend you on the PCL posts every day; I really didn’t expect to find a new one each day, but was delightfully surprised to see each of the posts!! Hope the New Year brings health and happiness to you and all of your family!

  6. Well, my goodness! What an adventure! I do hope everyone is on the mend and I applaud you for even taking the time to update us! You are an amazing woman!

    I love the projects you’ve shared here and I am so ready for the Countdown to Valentine’s Day. You, Soph and your creative team are AWESOME! Isn’t that MME VDay collection yummy? I’m looking forward to seeing what you create with it.

    Ta Ta for now! 🙂

  7. I love your latest projects; travelling’s never easy, but sounds like you’re on top of things; it’s just the unavoidable things that happened & you had no way of planning for them; travel safely & I’m looking forewoord to the New Year, at my home & your blog.

  8. So sorry to hear of all the challenges you all have been through lately. It never is a good time but you guys really got punched! Our family has had colds and sore throats too. Glad to hear things are looking up. I always love what you have designed. It is so do-able and nice. Keep up your good work, it keeps us inspired.

  9. So sorry to hear of the sickness in your family over the holiday vacation. I hope everyone is feeling much better. New to the card making world, I was surprised when I read your blog that you have five children! You certainly look very young in your picture. Looking forward to the Valentine projects! Thank you.

  10. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to update us. Here’s hoping that everyone is feeling better and that your trip home is uneventful. 🙂

    The projects you posted are beautiful as always, I am so looking forward to more valentine’s day projects.

  11. Wow sounds like everyone got the “Bug”> I hope everyone is on the mend and feeling a lot better by now! Being sick away from home is never pleasant. Here is wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year Healthy, LOved and Happy!

  12. You are AMAZING! Thank you for sharing your beautiful cards.
    I hope you and your family have a healthy, happy new year!

  13. So sorry to hear of the sickness surrounding your family. Glad to hear it was not too serious. I guess you can always put your Christmas down to an adventure you wont forget. Thanks for the lovely ideas, I was just about to sit down and make a card for my grandson and the U Rock card has given me inspiration. Thanks for all of your sharing over the past year and looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2012.

  14. Ditto for everything Jenny and the others have written. I hope health and good fortune follow you and Soph from Ottawa back to both home bases. Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year to all three families.

  15. Sorry to hear your family has been under the weather. Sounds familiar thought, seems like every year around this time someone in the family gets sick. Your projects are wonderful. Hope your and your family have a safe and healthy new year.

  16. What would a good family holiday be if more than 1/2 didn’t get sick? I hope all are on the mend and that those who weren’t sick in the first round won’t get sick in a second round.

  17. Okay Andrea – I would say that when it rains…..It pours in your household. So thankful that your Dad’s health is improving and even though it’s one-by-one that everyone gets sick – the good news is two fold….at least you’all didn’t get sick at one time – AND – at least it’s all over for now. Wishing you good health to start the New Year out with. Projects are awesome (as always) and many thanks for sharing with us how things are going in your world. Happy New Year!

  18. You and your family sure deserve a holiday just like everyone else. I am just so sorry to hear of your ones that got sick. You have enough things posted to keep us all busy. I can’t wait for all your creative Valentines ideas. I love the card and the little treat box. I have to say that Valentines Day is my favorite. I so love all the colors. Again…thank you for sharing all your ideas. You gals are so craftly. The best think I ever did was joining your video library.. I just love it. I have learned so much. I look there for so many things and learn so much..Your family is in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Happy New Year to you, Sohia and families..

  19. Quite the Christmas for you and your family. Hopefully everyone who was ill is on the mend and feeling better for the New Year. Beautiful cards love the box for chocolates. Thank you for sharing .
    all the best for 2012 to all.

  20. I am so sorry to hear of all your “illnesses” in your family . I hope all is going better. You should not have to worry about the papercrafters library. we can wait. just everyone get well sooon

  21. Hi Andrea and family,

    Poor you. I find everything does happen around the holidays. Everyone is hurrying to get everything done – we get run down and then sick. My Mom too, was sick at Christmas but thank goodness, caught in time. I hope everyone is feeling better now. Glad to have you back.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  22. I hope all is well now, I think it is the stress of the holiday and all there is to get done in a short amount of time. Seems as though there were several sick in my family.

    You latest crafty things are adorable. Love all of them.

    Happy New Year, and have a wonderful new year too.

  23. Happy New Year! Hope everyone is finally well and the new year keeps you all safe and happy.

  24. Happy New Year! Hope everyone is feeling better. So looking forward to some “creative” Valentine’s projects. You never let us down!

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